We crisscrossed this stream several times on the way down this gulch.


The view back up the hill, taken by Kirsten at one of the crossings.


The grass grew thicker as we approached the water. Jafar and Misha let the horses graze. Soon after Misha's horse rewarded him by biting him on the back of the neck!


I guess no water crossing would be complete without a death-defying climb with the knotted rope, Brad demonstrates.


We obediently perch high on the rock while Misha prepares to take the packs down the other side.


Spencer and I hold backup while Misha throws the packs across to Jafar.


Jafar waits on the other side of the gap, while Ian makes his way down.


Brad was the last to leap the gap.


The trip back up the valley towards Suvar was a cakewalk by comparison, but we were still way ready to get there.


The cabins were a welcome sight to all of us.


We felt like new men after a shower. Spencer looks forward to the "highway" from Quba to Baku.


A last look back towards Suvar as we head down the road. A great trip that I hope to repeat!




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